Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis

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Davies, Stephen G. / Chapman, Stephen 1953-

7th edition



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Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis is a well-loved radiology resource, used by trainees and practitioners worldwide to hone their knowledge of radiological differential diagnosis for the most commonly encountered conditions throughout the body. It is an invaluable quick-reference companion in everyday practice, as well as an essential study tool when preparing for the FRCR or similar examinations.

First published 35 years ago Stephen Chapman and Richard Nakielny's original aims remain as relevant today as when the book was originally conceived. However radiology has expanded rapidly in recent years and this Seventh Edition is the biggest revision this book has had in its long history with major changes incorporated into nearly every section.

Diagnostics différentiels / Radiographie

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