Blumgart's Video Atlas: Liver, Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery
Corvera, Carlos U. (Carlos Uriel)
2nd edition
1 ressource en ligne
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During his years at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Leslie H. Blumgart developed an extensive video library of high-quality, narrated and captioned video of his personal techniques used to train surgeons worldwide. These videos present history, radiologic evidence, and operative procedures – from major and minor resectional procedures to biliary and pancreatic anastomotic techniques. Blumgart's Video Atlas: Liver, Biliary & Pancreatic Surgery, 2nd Edition, compiles these outstanding videos, along with laparoscopic alternatives to these landmark surgeries from Dr. Carlos U. Corvera, into one outstanding multimedia resource that brings you fully up to date with innovative and advanced techniques in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.
Hépatectomie - Atlas / Voies biliaires - Chirurgie - Atlas / Pancréatectomie - Atlas