The Knee: Pain Medicine
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Pain Medicine
1.Rose Williams : A 72-Year-Old Female With Right Knee Pain
2.Brendan Beckham : A 32-Year-Old Male With Acute Left Medial Knee Pain Following a Soccer Injury
3.Tony Garcia : A 24-Year-Old Male Football Player With Severe Posterior Knee Pain
4.Miller Maier : A 24-Year-Old Male With a Painful, Unsteady Right Knee Following a Skiing Accident
5.Lincoln Mayhew : A 25-Year-Old Male With Right Anteroinferior Knee Pain and Swelling
6.Mike Montgomery : A 26-Year-Old Male Long-Distance Runner With Right Lateral Knee Pain
7.Andrew Kelsey : A 27-Year-Old Carpet Layer With Severe Left Knee Pain and Swelling
8.Betsy Roos : A 27-Year-Old Homemaker With Severe Left Knee Pain and Swelling
9.Arif Abad : A 29-Year-Old Electrical Engineer With Severe Left Knee and Upper Leg Pain and Swelling
10.Kitty Lee : A 24-Year-Old Optician With Severe Left Anteriomedial Knee Pain
11.Saoirse O'Sullivan : A 14-Year-Old Competitive Irish Dancer With Severe Left Anterior Knee Pain
12.Will Graham : A 24-Year-Old Youth Pastor With Posterior Left Knee Swelling and Pain
13.David Pulton : A 26-Year-Old Registered Nurse With Posterolateral Knee Pain
14.Anali Rojas : A 28-Year-Old Yoga Instructor With Pain, Numbness, and a Foot Drop
15.Martin Nash : A 21-Year-Old Sprinter With Medial Calf Pain and Bruising
inking theory to practice through the use of authentic clinical cases, Dr. Steven D. Waldman's Pain Medicine: A Case-Based Learning Series helps readers acquire the valuable skill of effective diagnostic thinking in daily practice. The Knee volume uses an in-depth case format, preparing you to correctly analyze clinical vignettes and formulate a clinically sound, evidence-based approach to realistic patient scenarios. This highly effective leaning and assessment tool provides practical clinical insights into the best methods for diagnosis and treatment for the successful management of patients with knee-related pain.
Pain medicine / Douleur - Traitement / Genou - Maladies - Traitement