Practice leadership in challenging behaviour services for autism and intellectual disabilities : practical strategies for supporting people
233 p.
Part the first: What is practice leadership?
1. What makes a difference?: secret of success -- 2. Challenging behaviour and practice leadership^:: keep calm -- 3. Practice leadership: origins and definition
Part the middle: how to do it
4. Different jobs?: Management and leadership -- 5. Understanding the situation: knowing what's happening -- 6. Changinf the situation: shaping support cultures
Part the last: why it matters
7. Contexts: oganizations, identity, communities of practice, dispersed leadership -- 8. Keeping our promises: what practice leaders deliver if given the chance
Practice Leadership refers to individuals who have direct front-line responsibility for leading the practice of staff on a day-to-day basis, such as operational leaders and managers in services for people with autism and intellectual disabilities. A good practice leader creates cultures and puts values into action. They deliver great support. A practice leader implements our best endeavours. A good leader makes all the difference. This book lays out the steps to achieving great practice leadership in services for people with autism and intellectual disabilities, such as care homes or supported living. It explains how practice leadership delivers support and care using the principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). The book outlines what practice leadership should look like in context, how to do it and why it matters. It draws from real-life case studies throughout and each section encourages discussion and reflection. Refreshingly warm, humorous and jargon free, this is an indispensable guide for professionals in services working with people with intellectual disability or autism at any level.
Personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle / Personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle - Services / Autistes / Autistes - Services / Leadership
HD 57.7 OS82p 2022
N° | Cote | Localisation | |
1 | HD 57.7 OS82p 2022 | Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [emprunté jusqu'au 2025-02-04] |