Oxford guide to brief and low intensity interventions for children and young people

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Bennett, Sophie (Éditeur intellectuel) / Myles-Hooton, Pamela (Éditeur intellectuel) / Schleider, Jessica L. (Éditeur intellectuel) / Shafran, Roz (Éditeur intellectuel)

Oxford University Press


xvii, 323 p. : ill.

Oxford guides in cognitive behavioural therapy



Section 1: An overview
1. Brief and low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy for children and young people : definitions and applications -- 2. Low intensity therapy: a parent's perspective -- 3. Efficacy of low intensity interventions for mental health problems in children and young people: the evidence -- 4. Prevention and early intervention in children and young people -- 5. Low intensity psychological interventions for children and young people: the economic case thus far -- 6. Negative effects of low intensity interventions in children and young people
Section 2: Applications
Section 2A: How to use brief and low intensity interventions with children and young people
7. Low intensity assessment -- 8. Tools to make low intensity interventions with children and youth more effective: the value of using feedback and outcome tools or routine outcome measures -- 9. Form and function when treating anxiety in youth: maintaining flexibility within fidelity in low intensity interventions
Section 2B: Problem-specific areas
10. Low intensity interventions for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents -- 11. Brief behavioural activation for treating depressive symptoms in children and adolescents -- 12. Low intensity interventions for behavioural difficulties -- 13. Low intensity interventions for sleep problems in children and adolescents -- 14. Low intensity interventions for obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adolescents -- 15. Low intensity interventions for autistic children and young people -- 16. Low intensity interventions for children with Tourette syndrome and tic disorders -- 17. Low intensity interventions for mental health problems in children with chronic physical illness -- 18. A problem-solving self-help approach for family and friends of young people with first-episode psychosis
Section 3: Implementation and service organization
19. Supervision and case management in low intensity interventions -- 20. Practical applications of implementation science to low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy interventions -- 21. Service organizations: stepped care -- 22. Overview of training and implementation considerations
Section 4: Brief and low intensity interventions for the twenty-first century
23. Single-session interventions for children and adolescents -- 24. Playing anxiety and depression away: serious games for mental health problems in children and adolescents -- 25. New ideas: one-at-a-time therapy -- 26. The power of peer support -- 27. Apps for mental health problems in children and young people -- 28. FIRST: an efficient intervention for youths with multiple mental health problems

Many children with mental health problems do not receive support and there are often extensive waiting lists for Children and Young People's Mental Health Services, which are increasingly overstretched. Unfortunately, a large proportion of children with mental health disorders do not access evidence-based treatment. Low-intensity psychological interventions are now recommended by a number of national guidelines and in the UK, are being implemented by a new workforce of Child Wellbeing Practitioners (CWPs).

The Oxford Guide to Brief and Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People provides a comprehensive resource for therapists, services and training providers regarding the use, delivery, and implementation of brief and low intensity psychological interventions within a child and adolescent context. It includes concise, focused chapters from leading experts in the field, combining the most up-to-date research with practical considerations regarding the delivery of low intensity interventions.

The first of its kind, this book will be an indispensable resource for practitioners, services, and training courses internationally.

Enfants - Santé mentale / Adolescents - Santé mentale / Psychothérapie brève

WM 420.5.P5 OX98 2022


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 420.5.P5 OX98 2022 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]