Planning and designing healthcare facilities : a lean, innovative, and evidence-based approach

Favoris Imprimer

Singh, Vijai Kumar 1948- / Lillrank, Paul 1955-

CRC Press


xxxii, 246 pages : ill.



1. Introduction / V.K. Singh & Paul Lillarank – 2. Innovative, Lean, and Evidence-Based Design / V.K. Singh -- 3. Concept of a Hospital / Paul Lillrank, Riikaa-Leena Leskela, & Olli Tokki -- 4. Patient First, Functions Next, and Design Later / V.K. Singh & S.K. Biswas -- 5. Green Hospitals and Sustainable Solution to Healthcare Facility / Rajeev Boudhankar -- 6. Designing a Patient-Centric Healthcare Facility Using Lean Methodology / John Gallagher, Kim Chaney, & Ron Kwon -- 7. Creating Safer Healthcare Environments Using an Evidenced-Based Design Process / Anjali Joseph, Ellen Taylor, & Xiaobo Quan -- 8. Evidence-Based Design in Hospitals. Theory to Implementation / S.K. Biswas & V.K. Singh -- 9. Virtual Hospitals of the Future / Sachin Gaur -- 10. Redefining Healthcare of Tomorrow in Smart City / V.K. Singh & Nimisha Singh -- 11. Delivering Inclusive Intelligent Healthcare by Innovative and Comprehensive e-Health System / Kou Shou-Jen & Lai Chien-Wen -- 12. Planning Safe Hospitals / Sushma Guleria -- 13. Designing Innovative Facilities. Contamination and Security Hazards at Hospitals / Raman Chawla & V.K. Singh -- 14. Adapt or Obsolesce. The Evolution of Singapore Health System / Mattew Saunders

The book explains new concepts to reduce healthcare delivery cost yet keep quality. Concepts such as sustainability (i.e., Green Hospitals) and the use of new tools and technologies such as information and communication technology (ICT), Lean, and evidence-based planning and innovations are fully explained.

Équipements sanitaires - Planification / Architecture - Facteurs humains / Architecture hospitalière

WX 140.1 P712 2018


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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1 WX 140.1 P712 2018 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]