Understanding mental health care : critical issues in practice

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Roberts, Marc



xi, 172 p.



1. Critical issues in mental health care -- 2. Causes of mental distress -- 3. Psychiatric diagnosis -- 4. Psychiatric drugs -- 5. Psychological therapies -- 6. Service user/survivor involvement -- 7. Recovery

Practitioner-focused and essential reading for students of mental health, this dynamic book provides a critical overview of current issues in mental health practice. It offers concrete guidance on navigating and evaluating different approaches to mental health care, giving crucial space to approaches which put the service user at the heart of care provision and recovery.
Tackling the complex and challenging, Understanding mental health : critical issues in practice : guides students through the landscape of mental health care through detailed case studies that situate practice and bring theory to life ; provides a thorough introduction to critical issues through sign-posted chapter aims, concept summaries and activities.

Services de santé mentale

WM 100 R646u 2018


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 100 R646u 2018 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]