Fetal, neonatal and pediatric neuroradiology
Kralik, Stephen F. / Desai, Nilesh K.
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Ideal for exam preparation and everyday clinical practice, Fetal, Neonatal and Pediatric Neuroradiology brings you fully up to date with recent advances in knowledge and image quality in this fast-changing field. World-renowned pediatric neuroradiologist Dr. Thierry A. G. M. Huisman, along with expert coauthors Drs. Stephen Kralik, Nilesh Desai, and Avner Meoded, utilizes an easy-to-read, quick-reference format of bulleted lists and high-quality images to enhance your understanding and help you quickly grasp and retain critical information.
Cerveau - Maladies - Diagnostic / Céphalée - Diagnostic / Coeur - Imagerie par résonance / Système nerveux - Radiographie