Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with older adults

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Duffy, Michael



xx, 721 p.

Wiley series on adulthood and aging



Part one : approaches to psychotherapy process with older adults
Issues in psychotherapy process with older adults
1. Using process dimensions in psychotherapy : the case of the older adult -- 2. Transferential and countertranferential processes in therapy with older adults -- 3. Adjusting to role loss and leisure in later life -- 4. Addressing late life developmental issues for women : body image, sexuality, and intimacy -- 5. Developmental issues in psychotherapy with older men -- 6. Existential issues of hope and meaning in late life therapy -- 7. It takes two : therapeutic alliance with older clients -- 8. The impact of cultural differences in psychotherapy with older clients : sensitive issues and strategies
Group and expressive therapy approaches
9. Using reminiscence and life review as natural therapetuic strategies in group therapy -- 10. Integrated group approaches with the early stage alzheimer's patient and family -- 11. The role of art therapy in aiding older adults with life transitions -- 12. Using music therapy in treating psychological problems of older adults -- 13. Therapeutic issues and strategies in group therapy with older men
Family and intergenerational interventions
14. Realizing power in intergenerational family hierarchies : family reorganization when older adults decline -- 15. Couple therapy with long-married older adults -- 16. Dynamics and treatment of middle-generation women : heroines and victims of multigenerational families -- 17. Family disruption : understanding and treating the effects of dementia onset and nursing home placement -- 18. Sexual dysfunction : unsing an interdisciplinary team to combine cognitive-behavioral and medical approaches
Social and community interventions
19. Preventive interventions for older adults -- 20. Enhancing mental health climate in hospitals and nursing homes : collaboration strategies for medical and mental health staff -- 21. Environmental design features and the well-being of older persons -- 22. Critical issues and strategies in mental health consultation in nursing homes -- 23. Prevention and promotion models of intervention for strengthening aging families
Part two : Treatment approaches for selected problems
Personality disorders
24. The effect of personality disorder on Axis I disorders in the elderly -- 25. Treating hypochondria in later life : personality and health factors -- 26. A biopsychosocial approach to treatment of schizophrenia in late life -- 27. Dynamics and treatment of narcissism in later life
Anxiety and mood disorders
28. Interpersonal psychotherapy for late-life depression -- 29. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of late-life distress -- 30. Strategies for treating generalized anxiety in the elderly -- 31. Treating obsessive-compulsive disorder in older adults : a review of strategies -- 32. The effects of trauma : dynamics and treatment of PTSD in the elderly -- 33. A guide to current psychopharmacological treatments for affective disorders in older adults : anxiety, agitation, and depression
Adjunctive psychological treatments for organic disorders
34. Reaching the person behind the dementia : treating comorbid affective disorders through subvocal and nonverbal strategies -- 35. Current concepts and techniques in validation therapy -- 36. Memory training for older adult medical patients in a primary health care setting
Behavior disorders
37. Management of alcohol abuse in older adults -- 38. Psychotherapy with the suicidal elderly : a family-oriented approach -- 39. Ethics of treatment in geropsychology : status and challenges

Older adults are the fastest-growing segment of society and are entering therapy at an unprecedented rate. Editor Michael Duffy has brought together leading experts in geropsychology and older adult counseling to discuss and offer practice strategies appropriate for this diverse population. The Handbook covers new research findings for clinical treatment, coverage of multiple treatment modalities, and clinical problems confronting older clients, including:

* Adjusting to role loss, leisure in late life, and retirement
* Developmental issues in psychotherapy with older men
* Existential issues of hope and meaning in late life therapy
* Developing and enhancing the therapeutic alliance with older clients
* The impact of cultural differences in psychotherapy with older clients
* Using reminiscence and life review as natural therapeutic strategies in groups
* Integrated group approaches with early stage Alzheimer's and their families
* Family disruption after nursing home placement of onset of dementia patients: systemic dynamics and treatment
* Realizing power in intergenerational family hierarchies: when older adults decline

Personnes âgées - Psychothérapie - Guides, manuels, etc. / Personnes âgées - Counseling - Guides, manuels, etc.

WT 150 H236 1999


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WT 150 H236 1999 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]