Psychodynamic psychotherapy of borderline patients

Favoris Imprimer

Kernberg, Otto F. 1928-

Basic Books


ix, 210 p.



Part one : principles of treatment
1. Borderline pathology and psychotherapeutic alternatives -- 2. The treatment approach -- 3. Establishing the contract -- 4. Conducting a session -- 5. Varieties of countertransference
Part Two : The phases of treatment
6. The early phase : coalescing part self and part object representations -- 7. The advanced phase `working with higher level defenses and transferences -- 8. Separation : interruptions and termination
Part three : common complications
9. Immediate threats to the treatment -- 10. Acting out and indications for deviating from technical neutrality -- 11. Severe forms of resistance

No name has been more closely associated with borderline pathology than that of world-renowned psychiatrist Otto D. Kernberg. His conceptualization of borderline personality organization and his ego psychology—object relations approach have broadened the understanding of these difficult patients and pointed the way to a more successful treatment of them. This long-awaited book, based on years of clinical research by Kernberg and his associates, is the first to present his model of psychodynamic psychotherapy with borderline patients.Using abundant clinical vignettes and transcripts, the authors take the reader through the treatment—from establishing the contract through dealing with termination—always explaining the theory that underlies the technique. They describe the phases of treatment, beginning with the most primitive and moving on to working with advanced defenses and transferences. Included are guidelines on such crucial issues as dealing with countertransference, modifying technical neutrality, and handling suicide threats. With its elegant integration of theory and practice and clear explication of treatment strategies, this important book is an essential resource for both beginning and seasoned practitioners.

État-limite (Psychiatrie) - Traitement / Psychothérapie dynamique

WM 190 P974 1989


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 190 P974 1989 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]