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    The Washington manual of surgery

    Favoris Imprimer

    Klingensmith, Mary E.

    6th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xiii, 930 p. : ill.



    1. General and perioperative care of the surgical patient -- 2. Nutrition -- 3. Life support and anesthesia -- 4. Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disorders -- 5. Hemostasis and transfusion therapy -- 6. Wound healing and care -- 7. Critical care -- 8. Esophagus -- 9. Stomach -- 10. Small intestine -- 11. Acute abdominal pain and appendicitis -- 12. Colon, rectum and anus -- 13. Pancreas -- 14. Surgical diseases of the liver -- 15. Biliar surgery -- 16. Spleen -- 17. Cerebrovascular disease and vascular access -- 18. Thoracoabdominal vascular diseases -- 19. Peripheral arterial occlusive disease -- 20. Venous disease, thromboembolism and lymphedema -- 21. Endocrine surgery -- 22. Trauma surgery -- 23. Transplantation -- 24. Burns -- 25. Skin and soft-tissue tumors -- 26. Hernia -- 27. Breast diseases -- 28. Otolaryngology : head and neck surgery -- 29. Plastic and hand surgery -- 30. Cardiac surgery -- 31. General thoracic surgery -- 32. Pediatric surgery -- 33. Neurosurgical emergencies -- 34. Orthopedic injuries -- 35. Urologic surgery -- 36. Obstetric and gynecologic surgery -- 37. Common surgical procedures -- 38. Common postoperative surgical emergencies

    Since 1997, The Washington Manual of Surgery has consistently provided residents with need-to-know surgical information and guidance in a convenient and easily accessible source. This is a resident-prepared manual, and as such, each chapter was updated and revised by a resident with assistance from a faculty coauthor from the Department of Surgery at one of the world's top surgical training programs. The Manual's unique perspective gives readers a clear view of the challenges surgical residents face, and of the practical solutions they have seen work, first hand.

    Now in its Sixth Edition, The Washington Manual of Surgerycontinues to deliver a concise, rational approach to the management of patients with surgical conditions. The text has been redesigned to make it even more user friendly, and the content has been updated with the latest advances in surgical technique and instrumentation.

    Opérations chirurgicales - Méthodologie

    WO 500 W317 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WO 500 W317 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]