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    Social work practice with children

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    Webb, Nancy Boyd 1932-

    3rd edition

    Guilford Press


    xxvi, 469 p. : ill.

    Social work practice with children and families



    Part I : An ecological, developmental framework for helping children
    1. The challenge of meeting children's needs -- 2. Necessary background for helping children
    Part II : The process of helping children : a running case illustration of a child in a single-parent homeless family
    3. Building relationships with all relevant systems -- 4. The biopsychosocial assessment of the child -- 5. Contracting, planning interventions, and tracking progress
    Part III : Different methods of helping children
    6. orking with the family -- 7. Individual play therapy -- 8. Group work with children -- 9. School-based interventions
    Part IV : Helping children in special circumstances
    10. Children living in kinship and foster home placements -- 11. Children in single-parent, divorcing, and blended families -- 12. Children in families affected by illness and death -- 13. Children in substance-abusing families -- 14. Child victims and witnesses of family and community violence -- 15. The interpersonal violence of bullying : impact on victims, perpetrators, and bystanders/witnesses -- 16. The impact of a changing world on practice with and for children

    A leading course text and practitioner resource for over 20 years—now revised and updated—this book presents developmentally and culturally informed methods for helping children in family, school, and community settings. Nancy Boyd Webb offers vital guidance and tools for practitioners. The text demonstrates research-based strategies for working with victims of maltreatment and trauma as well as children affected by poverty, parental substance abuse, bullying, and other adversities. Vivid case examples illustrate the "whys" and "how-tos" of play and family therapy, group work, and school-based interventions. Student-friendly features include thought-provoking discussion questions and role-play exercises.

    Service social aux enfants

    HV 713 W39s 2011


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 HV 713 W39s 2011 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]