Treating child and adolescent depression

Favoris Imprimer

Rey, Joseph M. / Birmaher, Boris

Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


xvi, 360 p. : ill.



Section I : General aspects of depression
1. Depression in children and adolescents -- 2. Depression : causes and risk factors -- 3. Clinical assessment of children and adolescents with depression
Section II : Practical management
4. Introduction to treating depression in children and adolescents -- 5. Engaging, involving, educating and supporting patients, families, and schools during treatment -- 6. How to use medication to manage depression -- 7. Using other biologic treatments : electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation, and light therapy -- 8. How to use cognitive behavior therapy for youth depression : a guide to implementation -- 9. How to use interpersonal psychotherapy fo depressed adolescents (IPT-A) -- 10. Using family therapy -- 11. Dynamic psychotherapy for the teatment of depression in youth -- 12. How to use complementray and alternative medicine treatments -- 13. Managing acute depressive episodes : putting it together in practice -- 14. Preventing, detecting, and managing side effects of medications -- 15. Managing crises and emergencies in the course of treatment -- 16. Treatment-resistant depression -- 17. Managing young people with depression -- 18. Managing adolescents with comorbid depression -- 19. Managing adolescent depression in primary care -- 20. Prevention of depression and early intervention with subclinical depression
Section III : Particular issues about treatment in specific groups
21. Treating depression in children and adolescents with chronic physical illness -- 22. Treating depression in the developmentally disabled : intellectual disability and pervasive developmental disorders -- 23. Depression in immigrant and minority children and youth -- 24. Childhood depression : international views and treatment practices

This book is a practical and authoritative guide to diagnosis and treatment of child and adolescent depression in various clinical settings, health care systems, and cultures. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based precepts for treatment. The contributors address current controversies surrounding the potential risks of medications in children and discuss other biological treatments and psychotherapies. Key take-home points are listed at the end of each chapter. Flow charts and tables summarize treatment recommendations, and tables summarize evidence of effectiveness and quality of evidence. Also included are lists of other resources for clinicians, patients, and families.

Dépression chez l'adolescent / Dépression chez l'enfant / Dépression

WM 171 R456t 2009


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 171 R456t 2009 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]