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    Psychotherapy for children with bipolar and depressive disorders

    Favoris Imprimer

    Fristad, Mary A. / Goldberg-Arnold, Jill S. / Leffler, Jarrod M.

    Guilford Press


    xiv, 434 p. : ill.



    Part I : Mood disorders in children and how psychoeducational psychotherapy helps
    1. The challenge of treating children with mood disorders -- 2. Current scientific knowledge about childhood mood disorders -- 3. Implementing psychoeducational psychotherapy -- 4. The complexities of establishing a mood disorder diagnosis
    Part II : Psychoeducational psychotherapy session by session
    5. Discussing mood symptoms with children -- 6. Reviewing symptoms and disorders with parents -- 7. Teaching children how to separate symptoms from self and how treatment helps symptoms -- 8. Discussing medication with parents -- 9. Discussing healthy habits with children -- 10. Teaching parents about systems : mental health and school teams -- 11. The child's tool kit for coping with diffcult feelings -- 12. Discussing negative family cycles and thinking, feeling, doing with parents -- 13. Thinking, feeling, doing with children -- 14. Problem-solving and basic coping skills for parents -- 15. Problem-solving skills for children -- 16. Addressing school issues with the school team -- 17. The communication cycle and nonverbal communication skills for children -- 18. Communication skills for parents -- 19. Verbal communication skills for children -- 20. Planning for symptom and crisis management with parents -- 21. Working with siblings -- 22. Wrapping up with parents and children
    Part III : Child and parent handouts and group game materials

    Packed with ready-to-use clinical tools, this book presents the first evidence-based psychological treatment for school-age children with bipolar disorder or depression. Leading clinician-researcher Mary Fristad and her colleagues show how to integrate psychoeducational strategies with cognitive-behavioral and family therapy techniques. They provide nuts-and-bolts information for implementing the approach with individual families or groups. Kids learn to identify and manage mood states while parents learn essential skills for problem solving, crisis management, improving family functioning, and collaborating with schools and mental health systems. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book features nearly 100 reproducible handouts and children's activities.

    Maniacodépressifs / Dépression chez l'enfant / Psychothérapie / Troubles bipolaires

    WM 207 F917p 2011


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 207 F917p 2011 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]