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    Treating trauma in dialectical behavior therapy : the DBT prolonged exposure protocol (DBT PE)

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    Harned, Melanie S.

    Guilford Press


    xii, 444 p. : ill.



    Part I : Background
    1. The Development and Foundations of DBT PE -- 2. The Target Population
    Part II : Stabilization and Preparation
    3. Setting the Stage for DBT PE in Pretreatment -- 4. Achieving Safety, Stability, and Skills in Stage 1 -- 5. Building Motivation for DBT PE -- 6. Determining Readiness for DBT PE -- 7. Preparing to Start DBT PE
    Part III : The DBT PE Protocol
    8. Session 1 -- 9. Session 2 -- 10. Joint and Family Sessions -- 11. Session 3 -- 12. Intermediate Sessions (Sessions 4+) -- 13. The Final Sessions
    Part IV : Troubleshooting and Tailoring Treatment
    14. Troubleshooting Problems -- 15. Targeting Specific Trauma-Related Emotions -- 16. Working with Different Trauma Types -- 17. Treating Diverse Populations
    Part V : Next Steps
    18. Stage 3 and Beyond

    Many DBT clients suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but until now the field has lacked a formal, tested protocol for exactly when and how to treat trauma within DBT. Combining the power of two leading evidence-based therapies and designed to meet the needs of high-risk, severely impaired clients—this ground-breaking manual integrates DBT with an adapted version of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Melanie S. Harned shows how to implement the DBT PE protocol with DBT clients who have achieved the safety and stability needed to engage in trauma-focused treatment. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes session-by-session guidelines, rich case examples, clinical tips, and 35 reproducible handouts and forms that can be downloaded and printed for repeated use.

    État de stress post-traumatique / État de stress post-traumatique - Traitement / Thérapie comportementale dialectique

    WM 172.5 H289t 2022


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 172.5 H289t 2022 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]