Treating Huckleberry Finn : a new narrative approach to working with kids diagnosed ADD/ADHDPart one : The critique

Favoris Imprimer

Nylund, David / Combs, Gene (Préfacier)



xx, 234 p.



Part one : The critique
1. Introduction : Huck Finn meets Dr. Chad Geigy -- 2. Weird science : debunking the ADHD diagnosis
Part two : The colution
3. Th smart approach : an overview -- 4. Step one : separating the problem of ADHD from the child -- 5. Step two : mapping the influence of ADHD on the child and family -- 6. Step three : attending to exceptions to the ADHD story -- 7 Step four : reclaiming special abilities of children diagnosed with ADHD -- 8. Step five : telling and celebrating the new story -- 9. Putting it all together : SMART therapy from beginning to end -- 10. Huck at school : SMART strategies in the classroom -- 11. Huck gets SMART : a conversation between Huck and David

Enfants hyperactifs / Trouble déficitaire de l'attention

WS 350.8.H9 N995t 2000


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WS 350.8.H9 N995t 2000 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]