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    Cardiovascular pathology

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    Livre électronique

    Buja, L. Maximilian (Éditeur intellectuel) / Butany, Jagdish (Éditeur intellectuel)

    5th edition

    Academic Press


    1 ressource en ligne : illustrations

    Format PDF



    1. Cardiovascular pathology: guide to practice and training -- 2. Anatomic considerations and examination of cardiovascular specimens (excluding devices) -- 3. Age-related cardiovascular changes and diseases -- 4. Fundamental principles in cardiovascular genetics -- 5. Pathophysiology of heart failure and an overview of therapies -- 6. Congenital heart disease: pathology, natural history, and interventions -- 7. Vascular Pathobiology: Atherosclerosis and Large Vessel Disease -- 8. Diseases of small and medium-sized blood vessels -- 9. Aneurysms of the aorta: ascending, thoracic, and abdominal and their management -- 10. Myocardial ischemia and its complications -- 11. Pathology of sudden death, cardiac arrhythmias, and conduction system -- 12. Toxins and the heart -- 13. Myocarditis -- 14. Cardiomyopathies -- 15. The pericardium and its diseases -- 16. Valvular heart disease -- 17. Cardiac valve replacement and related interventions -- 18. The pathology of cardiovascular interventions and devices for coronary artery disease, vascular disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias -- 19. Tumors of the cardiovascular system: heart and blood vessels -- 20. Pathology of cardiac transplantation -- 21. Basic pathobiology of cell-based therapies and cardiac regenerative medicine -- 22. Forensic aspects of cardiovascular pathology

    Cardiovascular Pathology, Fifth Edition provides a comprehensive treatise on the pathology of cardiovascular diseases, combining presentations of detailed pathology of cardiovascular diseases coupled with contemporary insights into etiology and pathogenesis. Twenty-two chapters cover general topics, including cardiovascular genetics, heart failure, and transplantation, and specific congenital and acquired cardiovascular diseases, therapeutic interventions, and forensic aspects. New chapters address the scope of practice and training in cardiovascular pathology, with a focus on major diagnostic approaches used in contemporary practice and research in cardiovascular pathology, and a perspective on the field of cardiovascular regenerative medicine linked to the basic pathobiology of cell-based therapy.

    Appareil cardiovasculaire / Appareil cardiovasculaire - Maladies

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