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    The developmental psychopathology of anxiety

    Favoris Imprimer

    Vasey, Michael W. / Dadds, Mark R.

    Oxford University Press


    xvi, 510 p. : ill.



    Part I : Preliminary issues
    1. An introduction to the developmental psychopathology of anxiety -- 2. Developmental variations in the prevalence and manifestation of anxiety disorders
    Part II : Predisposing, protective, maintaining, and ameliorating influences
    3. Contributions of behavioral genetics research : quantifying genetic, shared environmental and nonshared environmental influences -- 4. Temperamental influences on the development of anxiety disorders -- 5. Anxiety sensitivity -- 6. Control and the development of negative emotion -- 7. The role of glucocorticoids in anxiety disorders : a critical analysis -- 8. Childhood anxiety disorders from the perspective of emotion regulation and attachment -- 9. Nonassociative factors in the development of phobias -- 10. Developmental aspects of conditioning processes in anxiety disorders -- 11. Operant conditioning influences -- 12. Information-processing factors in childhood anxiety : a review and developmental perspective -- 13. Family processes in the development of anxiety problems -- 14. Current issues in the treatment of childhood anxiety -- 15. Prevention strategies
    Part III : integrative examples
    16. The etiology of childhood specific phobia : a multifactorial model -- 17. Posttraumatic stress disorder : a developmental perspective -- 18. Social withdrawal and anxiety -- 19. Social phobia -- 20. Early separation anxiety and its relationship to adult anxiety disorders -- 21. The development of generalized anxiety

    Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent forms of psychopathology across the life span. Although the onset of such disorders may occur at almost any point, in many cases they begin in childhood. In this book, the editors have brought together many of the field's most respected and innovative researchers and challenged them to take a fresh look at the major factors that contribute to the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders in childhood and across the life span. The result is a collection of chapters that will stimulate further theoretical and empirical efforts regarding these important issues.

    Angoisse / Angoisse chez l'enfant / Angoisse - Étiologie

    WM 172 V332d 2001


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 172 V332d 2001 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]