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    Principles of ambulatory medicine

    Favoris Imprimer

    Barker, L. Randol (Lee Randol) 1939- / Burton, John R. (John Russell) 1937- / Zieve, Philip D. 1932-2016

    7th edition

    Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins


    xv, 1962 p. : ill.



    1. Issues of general concern in ambulatory medicine -- 2. Preventive care -- 3. Psychiatric and behavioral problems -- 4. Allergy and infectious diseases -- 5. Gastrointestinal problems -- 6. Renal and urologic problems -- 7. Hematologic problems -- 8. Pulmonary problems -- 9. Cardiovascular problems -- 10. Musculoskeletal problems -- 11. Metabolic and endocrinologic problems -- 12. Neurologic problems -- 13. Selected general surgical problems -- 14. Gynecology and women's health -- 15. Selected problems of the eyes -- 16. Selected problems of the ears, nose, throat, and oral cavity -- 17. Commons disorders of the skin

    Updated for its Seventh Edition, Principles of Ambulatory Medicine is the definitive reference for all clinicians caring for adult ambulatory patients. It provides in-depth coverage of the evaluation, management, and long-term course of all clinical problems addressed in the outpatient setting. A major focus is on preventive care, grounded in excellent patient-physician communication. This edition features increased coverage of preventive care, particularly the impact of genetic testing as a disease predictor.

    For easy reference, the book is organized by body system and each chapter begins with an outline of key topics. References to randomized controlled clinical trials, meta-analyses, and consensus-based recommendations are boldfaced.

    Traitement ambulatoire / Médecine familiale

    WX 205 P957 2007


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    1 WX 205 P957 2007 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]