Modular cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety disorders

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Chorpita, Bruce F


xiv, 335 p. : ill.

Guides to individualized evidence-based treatment



PartI : Getting started
1. Why this manual? -- 2. About anxiety -- 3. Who needs this treatment? -- 4. The core treatment plan
Part II : The art of exposure
5. How to conduct exposure -- 6. Nobody likes exposure -- 7. Skillful design of exposure
Part III : When the going gets tough
8. Basic concepts of modular treatment -- 9. What are the other modules for? -- 10. Back to fundamentals -- 11. Supporting families with low engagement
Part IV : Treatment modules
12. Use of the modules

This clinically wise and pragmatic book presents a systematic approach for treating any form of childhood anxiety using proven exposure-based techniques. What makes this rigorously tested modular treatment unique is that it is explicitly designed with flexibility and individualization in mind. Developed in a real-world, highly diverse community mental health context, the treatment can be continually adjusted to target motivational problems, disruptive behavior, family issues, and other frequently encountered clinical roadblocks. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes a detailed case formulation framework, a flexible treatment planning algorithm, and over 90 pages of user-friendly reproducibles.

Angoisse chez l'enfant / Thérapie cognitive pour enfants

WS 350.6 C551m 2007


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WS 350.6 C551m 2007 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]