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    Pathways to change: brief therapy with difficult adolescents

    Favoris Imprimer

    Selekman, Matthew D. 1957-

    2nd edition

    Guilford Press


    xi, 292 p. : ill.



    1. An envolving solution-oriented brief family therapy approach with difficult adolescents -- 2. Guiding assumptions with an eye on solutions -- 3. The improvisational therapist : staying alive and creating possibilities outside the comfort zone with challenging families -- 4. The first family interview : co-creating a context for change -- 5. Guidelines for fostering cooperative relationships with difficult parents -- 6. Effective engagement strategies with difficult adolescents -- 7. The no-rpoblem problem mandated family -- 8. Co-creating a climate ripe for transformative dialogues with helping allies from larger systems -- 9. The second and subsequent sessions : guidelines for consolidating gains and matching therapeutic experiments with family members' learning styles and cooperative response patterns -- 10. The solution-oriented parenting group : empowering parents to be the agents of change -- 11. Solution-oriented brief family therapy and beyond

    This innovative, practical guide presents an effective brief therapy model for working with challenging adolescents and their families. It demonstrates powerful ways to help families gain new perspectives on longstanding problems and co-construct realistic, well-formulated goals, even when past treatment experiences have left them feeling demoralized. Solution-oriented techniques and strategies are augmented by ideas and findings from other therapeutic traditions, with a focus on engagement and relationship building. Illustrated with extensive clinical material, the book shows how to draw on each family's strengths to collaboratively bring about significant behavioral change.

    Adolescents - Psychothérapie brève

    WM 430.5 S464p 2005


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 430.5 S464p 2005 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]