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    The Oxford handbook of child and adolescent eating disorders : developmental perspectives

    Favoris Imprimer

    Lock, James

    Oxford University Press


    xii, 324 p. : ill.

    Oxford library of psychology



    1. Overview of the contents of this volume and an introduction to a developmental perspective on genetic research in eating disorders
    Part one : Developmental considerations in epidemiology and risk for eating disorders
    2. Epidemiology of eating disorders in children and adolesncets -- 3. Developmental approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders -- 4. Developmental considerations of media exposure risk for eating disorders -- 5. Emotion, attention, and relationships : a developmental model of self-regulation in anorexia nervosa and related disordered eating behaviors -- 6. Gender issues in child and adolescent eating disorders
    Part two : Developmental consideration in assessment
    7. Challenges in the assessment and diagnosis of eating disorders in childhood and adolescence given current diagnostic and assessment instruments -- 8. Developmental perspectives on the physical symptoms of eating disorders in children and adolescents -- 9. Family evolution and process during the child and adolescent years in eating disorders -- 10. Prevention of eating disorders in children and adolescents -- 11. Developmental considerations in choosing treatment settings for child and adolescent eating disorders -- 12. Eating disorders in infancy and early childhood -- 13. Treating eating disorders in middle childhood -- 14. Developmental considerations when treating anorexia nervosa in adolescents and young adults -- 15. Treating binge eating, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders in the context of obesity in children, adolescents, and young adults -- 16. Developmental concerns in psychopharmacological treatment of children and adolescents with eating disorders -- 17. Eating issues in the context of the physically ill child
    Part four : Conclusion
    18. Developmental translational research : adolescence, brain circuitry, cognitive processes, and eating disorders

    Inspired by the increasing need to consider developmental factors in understanding the etiology and treatment of mental diseases, The Oxford Handbook of Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders: Developmental Perspectives takes an innovative approach to topics surrounding eating disorders in children and early adolescents.

    Acknowledging the distinct differences in the development and treatment of eating disorders across age ranges, this volume addresses developmental factors in clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment response in eating disorders.

    With sections devoted to feeding disorders of infancy and younger children, eating problems of early childhood and the middle-school age period, early childhood and adolescent 'triggers' such as media exposure and family evolution, and future directions in developmental research for eating disorders, The Oxford Handbook of Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders: Developmental Perspectives is an authoritative work for the next decade of developmental research.

    Troubles du comportement alimentaire / Troubles du comportement alimentaire chez l'enfant / Troubles du comportement alimentaire chez l'adolescent

    WM 175 L813o 2012


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    1 WM 175 L813o 2012 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]