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    Case formulation with children and adolescents

    Favoris Imprimer

    Manassis, Katharina

    Guilford Press


    xii, 244 p. : ill.



    1. Benefits of case formulation and a conceptual framework -- 2. Gathering relevant information : key assessment stratégies -- 3. Biological aspects of the formulation -- 4. Psychological aspects of the formulation -- 5. Social aspects of the formulation -- 6. Spiritual ad cltural aspects of the formulation -- 7. The process of case formulation and considerations for preschoolers -- 8. Case formulation for school-age children -- 9. Case formulation for adolescents -- 10. Communicating the case formulation and its treatment implications -- 11. Using the formulation to inform the treatment plan -- 12. Formulation challenges and the need to monitor progress

    Highly practical and accessible, this book shows how to synthesize complex information about child and adolescent mental health problems into clinically useful, dynamic case formulations. Strategies and tools are provided for analyzing the biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and developmental factors that may be contributing to the difficulties of clients ages 4-18. Numerous case examples illustrate the steps in crafting a comprehensive formulation and using it to plan effective, individualized treatment. Strategies for overcoming frequently encountered pitfalls in case formulation are highlighted throughout.

    Entretiens d'évaluation / Psychiatrie - Formulation de cas / Entretiens (Psychiatrie de l'enfant) / Entretiens (Psychiatrie de l'adolescent) / Psychiatrie - Thérapie différentielle

    WS 105 M267c 2014


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 105 M267c 2014 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]