Science and practice of cognitive behaviour therapy

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Clark, David Millar (David Millar) 1954- / Fairburn, Christopher G.

Oxford University Press


xiv, 437 p.

Oxford medical publications



1. The evolution of cognitive behaviour therapy -- 2. The scientific foundations of cognitive behaviour therapy -- 3. Information-processing biases in emotional disorders -- 4. The relationship between cognition and emotion : the mind-in-place in mood disorders -- 5. Efficacy and dissemination of psychological treatments -- 6. Panic disorder and social phobia -- 7. Generalized anxiety disorder -- 8. Obsessive-compulsive disorder -- 9. Eating disorders -- 10. Sexual problems -- 11. Depression -- 12. Attempted suicide -- 13. Hypochondriasis -- 14. Cardiovascular disease -- 15. Atypical chest pain -- 16. Chronic fatigue -- 17. Problem-solving treatment in primary care

In a relatively short period of time, cognitive behaviour therapy has become the leading psychotherapy in most Western countries. Much of the appeal and success of cognitive behaviour therapy is due to the close links between science and practice which characterise the cognitive behaviour therapy movement and to the demonstrated effectiveness of the treatment approach. This book, which is divided into two parts, illustrates the links between science and practice in modern Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Thérapie cognitive

WM 425.5.C6 S416 1997


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WM 425.5.C6 S416 1997 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]