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    Continuous renal replacement therapy

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    Kellum John A. / Bellomo, R. (Rinaldo) 1956- / Ronco, C. (Claudio) 1951-

    Oxford University Press


    xix, 265 p. : ill.



    1. The critically ill patient with acute kidney injury -- 2. History and rationale for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 3. Terminology and nomenclature -- 4. Basic principles of solute transport -- 5. Principles of fluid management -- 6. Indications, timing and patient selection -- 7. Extended indications for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 8. Dose adequacy and assessment -- 9. Acid-base and electrolyte disorders -- 10. Choosing a renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury -- 11. Vascular access for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 12. The circuit and the prescription -- 13. The membrane : size and material -- 14. Fluids for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 15. Alarms and troubleshooting -- 16. Nonanticoagulation strategies to optimize circuit function in renal replacement therapy -- 17. Anticoagulation -- 18. Regional citrate anticoagulation -- 19. Drug dosing in continuous renal replacement therapy -- 20. Renal replacement therapy in children -- 21. Therapeutic plasma exchange in critical care medicine -- 22. MARS : molecular adsorbent recirculating system -- 23. Sorbents -- 24. Hybrid therapies -- 25. The ICU environment -- 26. Patient care quality and teamwork -- 27. Organizational aspects : developing policies and procedures for continuous renal replacement therapies -- 28. Documentation, billing and reimbursement for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 29. Machines for continuous renal replacement therapy -- 30. Quality assurance for continuous renal replacement therapies -- 31. Educational resources

    In the past decade, CRRT has moved from a niche therapy within specific specialty centers to the standard of care for management of critically ill patients with acute renal failure. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy provides concise, evidence-based, to-the-point bedside guidance about this treatment modality, offering quick reference answers to clinicians' questions about treatments and situations encountered in daily practice. Organized into sections on Theory; Practice; Special Situations; and Organizational Issues, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy provides a complete view of CRRT theory and practice. Generous tables summarize and highlight key points, and key studies and trials are listed in each chapter.

    Insuffisance rénale aiguë - Traitement / Hémofiltration artérioveineuse continue / Hémodialyse

    WJ 342 C762 2010


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WJ 342 C762 2010 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]