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    Neuropsychological assessment of neuropsychiatric and neuromedical disorders

    Favoris Imprimer

    Grant, Igor 1942- / Adams, Kenneth M. 1948-

    3rd edition

    Oxford University Press


    xvi, [10] p. de pl., 742 p. : ill.



    1. The Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery for adults : theoretical, methodological and validational bases -- 2. The analytical approach to neuropsychological assessment -- 3. The Boston process approach to neuropsychological assessment -- 4. The Iowa-Benton School of neuropsychological assessment -- 5. Computer-based cognifive testing -- 6. Cognitive screening methods -- 7. Demographic influences and use of demographically corrected norms in neuropsychological assessment
    -- 8. The neuropsychology of dementia -- 9. Neuropsychological aspects of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism -- 10. Huntington's disease -- 11. The neuropsychiatry and neuropsychology of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome -- 12. The neuropsychology of epilepsy -- 13. The neuropsychology of multiple sclerosis -- 14. Cerebrovascular disease -- 15. Neuropsychological effects of hypoxia in medical disorders -- 16. Diabetes and the brain : cognitive performance in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes -- 17. Neuropsychological aspects of HIV infection -- 18. The neurobehavioral correlates of alcoholism -- 19. Neuropsychological consequences of drug abuse -- 20. Neuropsychological, neurological and neuropsychiatric correlates of exposure to metals -- 21. Clinical neuropsychology of schizophrenia -- 22. Neuropsychology of depression and related mood disorders -- 23. The neuropsychology of memory dysfunction and its assessment -- 24. Neurobehavioral consequences of traumatic brain injury -- 25. Neuropsychiatric, psychiatric and behavioral disorders associated with traumatic brain injury -- 26. Neuropsychology in relation to everyday functioning -- 27. Neuropsychological performance and the assessment of driving behavior -- 28. Neuropsychological function and adherence to medical treatments

    This is a major revision of a standard reference work for neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists. About one-half of the book contains entirely new work by new contributors. New topics not covered in the previous editions include consideration of common sources of neurocognitive morbidity, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and exposure to heavy metals; psychiatric and behavioral disorders associated wtih traumatic brain injury; neuropsychology in relation to everyday functioning; the effects of cognitive impairment on driving skills, and adherence to medical treatments.

    The Third Edition aims to reflect the enormous developments in neuropsychology in terms of research, clinical applications, and growth of the discipline during the past decade. At one time focused on mapping the cognitive and related consequences of brain injuries, research in neuropsychology has now expanded to much broader considerations of the effects of systemic disease, infection, medications, and inflammatory processes on neurocognition and emotion. The Third Edition attemtps to capture these developments while continuing to adhere to the objective of presenting them in a concise manner in a single volume.

    Maladies mentales - Diagnostic / Système nerveux - Maladies - Diagnostic / Tests neuropsychologiques

    WM 141 N494 2009


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    1 WM 141 N494 2009 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]