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    Cardiac Nursing

    Favoris Imprimer

    Woods, Susan L.

    6th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xviii, 955 p. : ill., portr.



    1. Cardiac anatomy and physiology -- 2. Systemic and pulmonary circulation and oxygen delivery -- 3. Regulation of cardiac output and blood pressure -- 4. Genetics -- 5. Atherosclerosis, inflammation and acute coronary syndrome -- 6. Hematopoiesis, coagulation and bleeding -- 7. Fluid and electrolyte and acid-base balance and imbalance -- 8. Sleep -- 9. Physiologic adaptations with aging -- 10. History taking and physical examination -- 11. Laboratory tests using blood -- 12. Radiologic examination of the chest -- 13. Echocardiography -- 14. Nuclear, magnetic resonance and computed tomography imaging -- 15. Electrocardiography -- 16. Arrhythmias and conduction disturbances -- 17. Heart rate variability -- 18. Cardiac electrophysiology procedures -- 19. Exercise testing -- 20. Cardiac catheterization -- 21. Hemodynamic monitoring -- 22. Acute coronary syndromes -- 23. Interventional cardiology techniques : percutaneous coronary intervention -- 24. Heart failure and cardiogenic shock -- 25. Cardiac surgery -- 26. Mechanical circulatory assist devices -- 27. Sudden cardiac death and cardiac arrest -- 28. Pacemakers and implantable defibrillators -- 29. Acquired valvular heart disease -- 30. Pericardial, myocardial and endocardial disease -- 31. Adult congenital heart disease -- 32. Coronary heart disease risk factors -- 33. Psychosocial risk factors : assessment and management interventions -- 34. Smoking cessation and relapse prevention -- 35. Hypertension -- 36. Lipid management and cardiovascular disease -- 37. Exercise and activity -- 38. Obesity : an overview of assessment and treatment -- 39. Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome -- 40. Adherence to cardiovascular treatment regimens -- 41. Complementary and alternative approaches in cardiovascular disease -- 42. Disease management models for cardiovascular care -- 43. Global cardiovascular health

    This publication is included on the ANCC: American Nurses Credentialing Center's reference list.

    Cardiac Nursing is recognized as "The Red Reference Book" for nurses caring for patients who have, or are at risk for developing, cardiac diseases. The book provides both basic and advanced content in evidence-based care and emphasizes health promotion, health maintenance, and disease management. The five-part organization consists of anatomy and physiology; physiologic and pathophysiologic responses; assessment of heart disease; pathophysiology of heart disease; and health promotion and disease prevention.

    This edition has a new Global Perspective feature in most chapters, which reflects the rich cultural mix of patient populations and helps to determine appropriate care. A new chapter on Global Health reflects WHO commitments to reducing heart disease worldwide.

    Coeur - Maladies - Soins infirmiers / Coeur - Maladies - Prévention - Soins infirmiers

    WY 152.5 C267 2010


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    1 WY 152.5 C267 2010 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]