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    Adolescent self-injury : a comprehensive guide for counselors and health care professionals

    Favoris Imprimer

    D'Onofrio, Amelio A.



    xx, 225 p.



    Part I : The nature and paradox of self-injury
    1. Introduction : self-injury on the frontlines -- 2. The context and eatures of adolescent self-injury -- 3. The exprience of trauma and the foundations for self-injury -- 4. The developmental effects of complex trauma -- 5. The phenomenology of self-injury : the attempt to turn pain into self-healing
    Part II : Engagement, assessment ,and treatment
    6. Engaging the self-injurer : making contact with the person behind the behavior -- 7. Assessing self-injury and the self-injurious adolescent -- 8. From self-injury to health : an overview of the tretment process
    Part III : Creating pathways to care
    9. Managing self-onjury in the school and on the college campus -- 10. Epilogue : a voice of hope in the face of suffering

    In this truly comprehensive guide, Dr. D'Onofrio approaches the topic of how first-responders, such as teachers, coaches, social workers, guidance counselors, and campus health counselors, can and do treat adolescent self-injury. From examinations of the core social and emotional issues related to self-injury to the integration of understanding with practice, everything needed for comprehensive care is detailed in this volume.

    Each part of the book focuses on a basic topic, such as what constitutes self-injury, the foundations for self-injury, and how to engage an adolescent with these issues. Each issue is presented in straightforward chapters that are immediately accessible to those who are currently struggling to address this growing trend among teens. The chapters within each part delve into how to recognize, treat, and approach this illness and incorporate first-person stories from psychologists, teachers, and adolescents themselves.

    Adolescents / Comportement autodestructeur chez l'adolescent / Automutilation / Adolescence

    WS 463 D687a 2007


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 463 D687a 2007 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]