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    Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology

    Favoris Imprimer

    Lilienfeld, Scott O. 1960- / Lynn, Steven J / Lohr, Jeffrey

    Guilford Press


    xxii, 474 p.



    1. Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology : initial thoughts, reflections, and considerations
    I : Controversis in assessment and diagnosis
    2. Understanding why some clinicians use pseudoscientific methods : findings from research on clinical judgement -- 3. Controversial and questionable assessment techniques -- 4. The science and pseudoscience of expert testimony -- 5. Dissociative identity disorder : multiple personalities, multiple controversies
    II : General controversies in psychotherapy
    6. Toward a sceince of psychotherapy research : present status and evaluation -- 7. New age therapies -- 8. The remembrance of things past : problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy
    III : Controversies in the treatment of specific adult disorders
    9. Novel and controversial treatments for trauma-related stress disorders -- 10. Controversial treatments for alcoholism -- 11. Herbal treatments and antidepressant medication : similar data, divergent conclusions
    IV : Controversies in the treatment of specific child disorders
    12. Empirically supported, promising, and unsupported treatments for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- 13. The myriad of controversial treatments for autim : a critical evalution of efficacy
    V : Controversies regarding self-help and the mdeia
    14. Self-help therapy : the science and business of giving psychology away -- 15. Commercializing mental health issues : entertainment, advertising, and psychological advice -- 16. Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology : concluding thoughts and constructive remedies

    Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of a number of novel and controversial psychological techniques. Yet untested psychological practices not only may be ineffective in reducing patients suffering some may actually do harm. This much-needed book offers a rigorous examination of therapeutic, assessment, and diagnostic techniques, focusing on practices that are widely used in clinical and/or forensic settings but that lack a solid grounding in research. Featuring chapters from leading clinical researchers, the text helps readers distinguish techniques that have stood up to scientific scrutiny from those that have not. Provided is knowledge to guide truly accountable mental health practice, as well as critical skills for designing and evaluating psychological research programs.

    Psychologie clinique / Psychothérapie / Superstitions et médecine / Psychiatrie - Recherche

    WM 105 L728s 2003


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 105 L728s 2003 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]