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    Virtual reality for psychological and neurocognitive interventions

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    Rizzo, Albert (Éditeur intellectuel) 1954- / Bouchard, Stéphane (Éditeur intellectuel) 1966-



    xii, 415 p. : ill.

    Virtual reality technologies for health and clinical applications



    1. Application of virtual reality in clinical psychology and clinical cognitive neuroscience - an introduction -- 2. Virtual reality : whence, how and what for -- 3. Virtual reality and anxiety disorders treatment: evolution and future perspectives -- 4. Virtual reality applications to treat posttraumatic stress disorder -- 5. Using VR for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders -- 6. Virtual environments for substance abuse assessment and treatment -- 7. Virtual reality in the assessment and treatment of weight-related disorders -- 8. Virtual reality distraction to help control acute pain during medical procedures -- 9. Using virtual reality with child sexual offenders : assessing deviant sexual interests -- 10. Using innovative technologies as therapeutic and educational tools for children with autism spectrum disorder -- 11. A review of virtual classroom environments for neuropsychological assessment -- 12. Developmental and learning disabilities -- 13. Virtual reality and psychotic disorders -- 14. Assessment and rehabilitation using virtual reality after stroke : a literature review -- 15. Assessment and rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury using virtual reality : a systematic review and discussion concerning human-computer interactions -- 16. Developing virtual environments for learning and enhancing skills for the blind : incorporating user-centered and neurosciences based approaches -- 17. Virtual human standardized patients for clinical training

    This exciting collection tours virtual reality in both its current therapeutic form and its potential to transform a wide range of medical and mental health-related fields. Extensive findings track the contributions of VR devices, systems, and methods to accurate assessment, evidence-based and clint-centered treatment methods, and - as described in a stimulating discussion of virtual patient technologies - innovative clinical training. Immersive digital technologies are shown enhancing opportunities for patients to react to situations, therapists to process patients; physiological responses, and scientists to have greater control over test conditions and access to results. Expert coverage details leading-edge applications of VR across a broad spectrum of Psychological and neurocognitive conditions, including: -Treating anxiety disorders and PTSD -Treating developmental and learning disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder -Assessment of and rehabilitation from stroke and traumatic brain injuries -Assessment and treatment of substance abuse -Assessment of deviant sexual interests - Treating obsessive-compulsive and related disorders -Augmenting learning skills for blind persons.

    Thérapie virtuelle / Maladies mentales - Traitement

    W 26.55.C7 V819 2019


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 W 26.55.C7 V819 2019 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]