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    Understanding bipolar disorder: a developmental psychopathology perspective

    Favoris Imprimer

    Miklowitz, David J. 1957- / Cicchetti, Dante

    Guilford Press


    xx, 572 p. : ill.


    La couverture est noire (reliure)


    1. A developmental psychopathology perspective on bipolar disorder
    Part I : Phenomenology and diagnosis
    2. Development, age of onset, and phenomenology in bipolar disorder -- 3. A developmental psychopathology perspective on the assessment and diagnosis of bipolar disorder -- 4. Bipolar disorder in the preschool period : development and differential diagnosis
    Part II : Onset, prognosis, and course
    5. Clinical presentation and longitudinal course of bipolar spectrum disorders in children and adolescents -- 6. Course of early-onset bipolar spectrum disorders during the college years : a behavioral approach system dysregulation perspective -- 7. A developmental eprspective on the course of bipolar disorder in adulthood
    Part III : Etiology/Risk and protective mechanisms
    8. Geetic and environmental vulnerability to bipolar spectrum disorders -- 9. Neurodevelopment in bipolar disorder : a neuroimaging perspective -- 10. Adolescent-onset bipolar spectrum disorders : a cognitive vulnerability-stress perspective -- 11. Social cognition and cognitive flexibility in bipolar disorder -- 12. The role of stress in the onset, course, and progression of bipolar illness and its comorbidities : implications for therapeutics
    Part IV : Treatment
    13. Developmental considerations in the pharmacological treatment of youth with bipolar disorder -- 14. Pharmacotherapy for adults with bipolar depression -- 15. Family-based approaches to treating bipolar disorder in adolescence : family-focused therapy and dialectical behavior therapy -- 16. Psychoeducational psychotherapy for children with bipolar disorder
    Part V : A first-person account
    17. Growing up in a family with bipolar disorder : persona experience, developmental lessons, and overcoming stigma

    This is the first book to systematically examine the development and course of bipolar disorder across the lifespan, identifying important directions for evidence-based treatment and prevention. The editors and contributors are foremost authorities who synthesize cutting-edge research at multiple levels of analysis, including genetic, neurobiological, cognitive, emotional, and family perspectives. Compelling topics include how bipolar symptoms change from childhood through adolescence and adulthood and the interplay of risk and protective factors at different developmental stages. The volume also addresses how developmental knowledge can inform the selection and timing of clinical interventions.

    Maniacodépressifs / Troubles bipolaires / Psychobiologie du développement

    WM 207 M639u 2010


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 207 M639u 2010 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]