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    Pediatric neuropsychology : research, theory, and practice

    Favoris Imprimer

    Yeates, Keith Owen / Ris, M. Douglas / Taylor, H. Gerry / Pennington, Bruce F.

    2nd edition

    Guilford Press


    xvi, 540 p. : ill.

    The science and practice of neuropsychology : a Guildford series



    Part I : Medical disorders
    1. Spina bifida and hydrocephalus -- 2. Children with very low birthweight or very preterm birth -- 3. Childhood epilepsy -- 4. Pediatric brain tumors -- 5. Traumatic brain injury -- 6. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and childhood multiple slerosis -- 7. Tuberous sclerosis complex -- 8. Perinatal stroke-- 9. Environmental toxicants -- 10. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
    Part II : Neurodevelopmental disorders
    11. Math diabilities -- 12. Reading diability -- 13. Specific language impairment -- 14. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- 15. Autism spectrum disorders -- 16. Intellectual diability syndromes
    Part III : Clinical assessment and intervention
    17. Maxims and a model for the practice of pediatric neuropsychology -- 18. Interventions for children with neuropsychological disorders

    The most comprehensive, authoritative reference of its kind, this acclaimed work examines a wide range of acquired, congenital, and developmental brain disorders and their impact on children's neuropsychological functioning. Leading experts present state-of-the-art knowledge about how each condition affects the developing brain; the nature and severity of associated cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial impairments; and effective approaches to clinical evaluation and treatment planning.

    New to This Edition:

    • Reflects significant scientific advances.
    • An additional coeditor, Bruce F. Pennington.
    • Chapters on math, reading, and language disabilities; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; autism; and intellectual disabilities.
    • Medical disorders not covered in prior edition: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis; tuberous sclerosis; childhood stroke; and fetal alcohol syndrome.
    • A chapter on evidence-based neuropsychological interventions.

    Neuropsychologie pédiatrique / Système nerveux - Maladies

    WS 340 Y5p 2010


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 340 Y5p 2010 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]