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    Cardiac development

    Favoris Imprimer

    Kirby, Margaret L.

    Oxford University Press


    xiii, 273 p. : ill.



    1. An overview of cardiac morphogenesis : getting from a muscle-covered tube to a four-chambered pump -- 2. Vascular development -- 3. Cardiogenic fields and heart tube formation -- 4. Induction and differentiation of the myocardium -- 5. Functional developmental biology of the myocardium -- 6. Development of the poles of the heart -- 7. Molecular control of looping -- 8. Chamber specification and ventricular septation -- 9. Endocardium, cardiac cushions and valve development -- 10. Epicardium and coronary vessel development -- 11. Neural crest, great arteries and outflow septation -- 12. Development of the cardiac pacemaking and conduction system -- 13. Innervation of the developing heart -- 14. Evolutionary development biology of the heart -- 15. Some new insights into the embryogenesis of heart malformations in the context of syndromes -- 16. Myocardial stem cells

    This is the only in-depth, single author survey of heart development. It will provide a more systematic, up-to-date synthesis of the subject than any other volume, spanning the range from classical anatomical studies to recent findings in molecular biology. It also covers topics that are often omitted from discussions of heart development, such as myocardial function, cardiac innervation, and conduction development and clinical correlates will be discussed throughout. The book is beautifully illustrated by Karen Waldo, an artist who has collaborated with Dr. Kirby for many years.

    Coeur - Anatomie / Coeur - Croissance / Coeur - Innervation / Coeur - Système de conduction / Myocarde

    WG 201 K58c 2007


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WG 201 K58c 2007 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]