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    Diagnostic issues in depression and generalized anxiety disorder

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    Goldberg, David P.

    American Psychiatric Association


    xxi, 378 p. : ill.


    Complément du titre de la couv.: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V


    1. The problem: charge to the conference -- 2. The nosologic relationship between generalized anxiety disorder and major depression -- 3. The biology of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder: commonalities and distinguishing features -- 4. What (no) differences in responses to three classes of psychotropics can teach us about distinctions between generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder -- 5. Psychometric aspects of anxiety and depression -- 6. The boundary between generalized anxiety disorder and the unipolar mood disorders: diagnostic and psychometric findings in clinical samples -- 7. Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder in the national comorbidity survey follow-up survey -- 8. The relatioship of generalized anxiety disorder and major depression over time -- 9. Generalized anxiety disorder and major depression: common and reciprocal causes -- 10. Confirmatory factor analysis of common mental disorders across cultures -- 11. Generalized anxiety disorder and depression: Childhood risk factors in a birth cohort followed to age 32 years -- 12. Are there early adverse exposures that differentiate depression and anxiety risk? -- 13. Episodes and disorders of general anxiety -- 14. Are major depression and generalized anxiety disorder the same or different disorders? -- 15. Toward a primary-care friendly DSM-V classification of emotional disorders: an integrative approach -- 16. Psychosocial origins of depressive and anxiety disorders -- 17. The relatioship between generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive episode

    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and major depression (MD) form the largest group of common mental disorders. These two conditions often occur together, and emerging evidence suggests several similarities between them. As we move toward revising the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for DSM-V, Diagnostic Issues in Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Refining the Research Agenda for DSM-V explores the nosologic relationship between GAD and MD. This book acts as a guidepost for the entire DSM process. It reviews recent scientific advances in our understanding of the interrelationship between GAD and MD, summarizes the body of evidence into a few broad conclusions, and reflects on the implications of these findings for future nosologic efforts. The contributing authors review conceptual issues and empirical data from a variety of perspectives, including genetics, biology, treatment, development, course, predictors, disability, and psychosocial stressors. Diagnostic Issues in Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder develops operationalized criteria for nosologic decisions that enable clinicians to bridge the gap between data and diagnostic recommendations. Not only does the methodology of investigating an active interchange between empirical and conceptual perspectives shed new light on the relationship between GAD and MD, but it also carries implications for the rest of DSM-V.

    Troubles anxieux - Diagnostic / Dépression - Diagnostic / Troubles anxieux - Classification / Dépression - Classification

    WM 171 G618d 2010


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WM 171 G618d 2010 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]