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    Berek and Novak's gynecology

    Favoris Imprimer

    Berek, Jonathan S. / Novak, Emil 1883-1957 / Adashi, E. Y

    15th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xix, 1539 p. : ill.



    1. Initial assessment and communication -- 2. Principles of patient care -- 3. Safety and quality -- 4. Clinical research -- 5. Anatomy and embryology -- 6. Molecular biology and genetics -- 7. Reproductive physiology -- 8. Preventive health care and screening -- 9. Primary care -- 10. Family planning -- 11 : Sexuality, sexual dysfunction and sexual assault -- 12. Common psychiatric problems -- 13. Complementary therapy -- 14. Benign diseases of the female reproductive tract -- 15. Uterine fibroids -- 16. Pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea -- 17. Endometriosis -- 18. Genitourinary infections and sexually transmitted diseases -- 19. Intraepithelial disease of the cervix, vagina and vulva -- 20. Early pregnancy loss and ectopic pregnancy -- 21. Benign breast disease -- 22. Preoperative evaluation and postoperative management -- 23. Gynecologic endoscopy -- 24. Hysterectomy -- 25. Robotic operations -- 26. Lower urinary tract disorders -- 27. Pelvic organ prolapse -- 28. Anorectal dysfunction -- 29. Puberty -- 30. Amenorrhea -- 31. Endocrine disorders -- 32. Infertility and assisted reproductive technology -- 33. Recurrent pregnancy loss -- 34. Menopause -- 35. Uterine cancer -- 36. Cervical and vaginal cancer -- 37. Ovarian, fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer -- 38. Vulvar cancer -- 39. Gestational trophoblastic disease -- 40. Breast cancer

    Berek and Novak's Gynecology is the gold standard text in general gynecology serving both as a comprehensive reference and a practical, clinically-oriented text. This reference is not only a must-have product for residents in training, but it offers information for the practicing physician. The book covers the entire spectrum of women's healthcare by offering guidance for the management of specific gynecologic conditions in eight sections. The first two sections cover principles of practice and initial assessment and the relevant basic science. The third section is on preventive and primary care for women, and the remaining five sections are directed at methods of diagnosis and management in general gynecology, operative general gynecology, urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery, reproductive endocrinology, and gynecologic oncology.

    Features Include:
    • Question/Answer bank for review online only
    • Update on robotics in gynecology
    • Website to include images and fully searchable text
    • Full-color design that helps users quickly facilitate information
    • Popular open design so customers can take important notes in the margins
    • Text covers the basics of anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive tract to the management of complicated gynecologic conditions

    Gynécologie / Organes génitaux femelles - Maladies

    WP 100 B487 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WP 100 B487 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]