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    Understanding research in clinical and counseling psychology

    Favoris Imprimer

    Thomas, Jay C. 1951- / Hersen, Michel

    2nd edition



    xii, 502 p.



    Part I : Research foundations
    1. Introduction : science in the service of practice -- 2. Measurement theory in research -- 3. Sampling : the generalizability of data across persons, behaviors, settings, and time -- 4. Validity : controlling and balancing interrelated threats
    Part II : Research strategies
    5. Single-subject research designs -- 6. Group designs -- 7. Correlational methods -- 8. Clinical trials -- 9. Meta-analysis
    Part III : Research practice
    10. Ethical guidelines in research -- 11. Literature reviews -- 12. Planning data collection and performing analyses
    Part IV : Special problems
    13. Effectiveness versus efficacy studies -- 14. Problems in generalizing research to other cultures -- 15. Research in private practice : how to determine your effectiveness as a therapist -- 16. Family research : understanding families, family-based clinical interventions, and clinically useful outcomes -- 17. Issues in doing research with children -- 18. Research with older adults

    Understanding Research in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Second Edition, is written and designed for graduate students in the psychology and counseling fields, for whom the value of psychological research is not always readily apparent. Contributed to by experts in their respective fields, this text presents research as an indispensable tool for practice, a tool that is used every day to advance knowledge and improve assessment, treatment choice, and client outcomes. The book is divided into four logical parts: Research Foundations, Research Strategies, Research Practice, and finally, Special Problems. Included is a chapter that addresses one of the most important controversies, the distinction between realistic and “gold standard” efficacy studies. The remainder of the book addresses salient issues such as conducting research in various cultures, operating an empirically-oriented practice, and performing research with families, children, and the elderly. Students and professors will find the coverage ample and penetrating, without being too overwhelming.

    Psychologie clinique - Recherche / Psychologie du counseling / Psychothérapie - Recherche

    WM 105 T458u 2011


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 105 T458u 2011 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]