Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions

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Weberg, Daniel Robert / Davidson, Sandra 1973-

2nd edition

Jones and Bartlett Learning


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Healthcare organizations require both innovation and evidence-based practice to build systems that will support the future of improved care. Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions, Second Edition addresses the core competencies and behaviors required to be an innovative leader. This text fulfills the market need for an advanced practice resource focused on how to address new and emerging sources of evidence-based practice that can inform, translate and scale the complexity of leading innovation in healthcare organizations. The Second Edition has been heavily revised and updated to refine the focus on leadership of innovation and place less foundational focus on evidence-based practice process. In addition to a strong revision to the organization and updated content, this unique text features three new chapters discussing workarounds as a source of innovation, performance improvement leadership vs. innovation methodology and the use of evidence in both, and a technology primer for nusing leaders. Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions, Second Edition takes a patient-centered approach, discusses the perspectives on the dynamic of innovation and evidence as well as emerging competencies for leaders of healthcare innovation. To address the core competencies the text is expertly organized into four sections: Section 1 Addresses the current landscape of evidence in innovation, Section 2 Examines new sources of evidence including technology and big data, Section 3 Discusses strategies for measuring innovation at a variety of system levels, and Section 4 Provides strategies to synthesize and disseminate evidence to advance innovation in healthcare.

Infirmières en chef - Organisation / Soins infirmiers factuels / Changement organisationnel

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