Safety training for obstetric emergencies : the OB F.A.S.T approach
1st edition
1 ressource en ligne (xiii, 189 pages)
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1. Teamwork Training: Basic Concepts -- 2. Checklists in Obstetrics3. Delivery Room Management of a Preterm Infant4. Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy5. Respiratory Distress6. Anesthesia Complications7 Obstetric Ultrasound8. Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring9. Shoulder Dystocia -- 10. Operative Vaginal Delivery -- 11. Vaginal Breech Delivery -- 1 -- 2. Breech Extraction of a Second Twin -- 13. Umbilical Cord Prolapse -- 14. Antepartum Hemorrhage -- 15. Vasa Previa -- 16. Uterine Rupture -- 17. Postpartum Hemorrhage -- 18. Blood Transfusion -- 19. Uterine Inversion -- 20. Hypertensive Urgency and Eclampsia -- 21. Sepsis -- 22. Diabetic Ketoacidosis -- 23. Thyroid Storm -- 24. Pheochromocytoma in Pregnancy -- 25. Amniotic Fluid Embolism -- 26. Myasthenia Gravis -- 27. Autonomic Dysreflexia -- 28 Trauma in Pregnancy -- 29. Pregnancies in Challenging Locations
Developed to improve patient safety during labor and delivery, the OB F.A.S.T. (Obstetrical Feasible Approach to Safety Training) simulation program is a proven, award-winning resource is designed for all members of the interdisciplinary obstetrics team to use together. Written by Dr. Giancarlo Mari, who developed the program and currently trains providers around the U.S. and the world, this volume helps teams strengthen their common knowledge of obstetric emergencies. This knowledge is then applied to rehearse emergencies together and prepare team members to provide a safe labor and delivery experience for every mother and child.
Accouchement - Complications et séquelles / Urgences en obstétrique / Enseignement médical