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    Cognitive therapy with children and adolescents : a casebook for clinical practice

    Favoris Imprimer

    Reinecke, Mark A. / Dattilio, Franck M. / Freeman, Arthur M. 1942- / Beck, Aaron T. (Préfacier)

    2nd edition

    Guilford Press


    xviii, 476 p.



    1. What makes for an effective treatment? -- 2. Facilitating understanding and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- 3. Treatments for oppositional defiant disorder -- 4. Recovery maintenance and relapse prevention with chemically dependent adolescents -- 5. Modular therapy for adolescents with major depression -- 6. Treatment of social anxiety disorder -- 7. Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder -- 8. Strategies to modify low self-esteem in adolescents -- 9. Treatment of a sexually abused adolescent with posttraumatic stress disorder -- 10. Treatment of adolescent eating disorder -- 11. Treatment of academic skills problems -- 12. Treatment of family problems -- 13. Play therapy with a sexually abused child -- 14. Treatment of adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome -- 15. The quadripartite model revisited : promoting positive mental health in children and adolescents -- 16. Personality disorders among children and adolescents : is it an unlikely diagnosis?

    This clinically oriented casebook and text presents empirically supported interventions for a wide range of child and adolescent problems. Leading cognitive-behavioral therapists demonstrate assessment and treatment approaches that have been carefully adapted--or specially designed--to meet the needs of young patients. Following a consistent format, each chapter reviews the relevant literature and presents an extended case example bringing to life what an experienced therapist might do, why, and how to do it.

    Thérapie cognitive pour enfants / Thérapie cognitive pour adolescents

    WS 350.6 C676 2003


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350.6 C676 2003 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]