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    Diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. Volume 3

    Favoris Imprimer

    Schrier, Robert W.

    8th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xxx, p. 1894-2807 : ill.

    3 v. (xxx, 2807 p.)



    Volume 3 : 73. Clinical aspects of diabetic nephropathy -- 74. The normal and diseased kidney in pregnancy -- 75. Monoclonal gammopathies : multiple myeloma, amyloidosis and related disorders -- 76. Hyperuricemia, gout and the kidney -- 77. Sickle cell disease -- 78. Tropical nephrology -- 79. Kidney disease in children -- 80. Renal function and disease in the aging kidney -- 81. Mechanisms of diuretic action -- 82. Idiopathic edema -- 83. Cardiac failure and the kidney -- 84. Liver disease and the kidney -- 85. The nephrotic syndrome -- 86. The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and other hypoosmolar disorders -- 87. Nephrogenic and central diabetes insipidus -- 88. Disorders of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium metabolism -- 89. Disorders of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium metabolism -- 90. Fluid-electrolyte and acid-base disorders complicating diabetes mellitus -- 91. Pathophysiology and nephron adaptation in chronic kidney disease -- 92. Anemia in renal disease -- 93. The osteodystrophy of chronic renal failure -- 94. Nervous system manifestations of renal failure -- 95. Cardiac disease in chronic renal disease -- 96. Metabolic and endocrine dysfunctions in uremia -- 97. Immunobiology and immunopharmacology of renal allograft rejection -- 98. Outcomes and complications of renal transplantation -- 99. Peritoneal dialysis -- 100. Center and home chronic hemodialysis : outcome and complications -- 101. Dietary factors in the treatment of chronic kidney disease -- 102. Phosphate, aluminum and other elements in chronic renal failure -- 103. Dietary considerations in patients with chronic renal failure, acute renal failure and transplantation -- 104. Use of drugs in patients with renal failure

    The thoroughly updated Eighth Edition of this classic three-volume work provides the most comprehensive, current, and authoritative information on diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. This clinically oriented reference focuses on diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases, disorders, and complications and incorporates the basic science practicing physicians need to evaluate and manage the disease process. Each of the fourteen sections is written by internationally renowned contributors and provides coverage comparable to a complete book. The first two sections review renal basic science and describe current diagnostic tools. The remaining twelve sections cover various types of diseases, including hypertension, urological problems, and urinary tract concerns. Each disease-oriented section begins with an up-to-date review of pathophysiology and then focuses on specific diseases. This edition has new lead authors for more than 25 chapters, and separate chapters on heart disease and the kidney, liver disease and the kidney, and the nephrotic syndrome.

    Reins - Maladies

    WJ 300 D611 2007 V.3


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    1 WJ 300 D611 2007 V.3 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]