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    The adolescent in family therapy : harnessing the power of relationships

    Favoris Imprimer

    Micucci, Joseph A.

    2nd edition

    Guilford Press


    xv, 368 p.

    The Guilford family therapy series



    1. Introduction -- 2. Adolescent development -- 3. Basic concepts -- 4. How to assess and treat problems -- 5. Eating disorders -- 6. Depression and suicide -- 7. Anxiety -- 8. Défiant and disruptive behavior -- 9. Psychosis -- 10. Underachievement and other school-related problems -- 11. Leaving home -- 12. Families with multiple problems

    Rich with clinical wisdom, this successful text and practitioner guide offers a comprehensive framework for treating adolescent problems in the family context. Even as teenagers become increasingly independent, Joseph Micucci shows, they still need parental guidance and nurturance. By strengthening family relationships, clinicians can alleviate symptoms and promote behavioral change. Vivid examples and session transcripts illustrate specific strategies for treating eating disorders, depression, anxiety, defiance, underachievement, and other frequently encountered challenges. Weaving together family therapy techniques with ideas from psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches, the book has a pragmatic focus on effective interventions for getting adolescent development back on track.

    Adolescents - Psychothérapie / Thérapie familiale / Familles - Aspect psychologique / Parents et adolescents

    WS 463 M626a 2009


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 463 M626a 2009 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]