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    Learning and behavior problems in Asperger syndrome

    Favoris Imprimer

    Prior, Margot R.

    Guilford Press


    x, 326 p.



    I : Assessment and management of behavioral and learning difficulties
    1. Relationship between Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism -- 2. Cognitive and academic problems -- 3. Assessment of specific learning difficulties -- 4. Effects of language and communicative deficits on learning and behavior -- 5. Understanding social difficulties -- 6. Understanding and managing circumscribed interests -- 7. Assessment and treatment of comorbid emotional and behavior problems
    II : Asperger Syndrome in the schools
    8. Remembering school -- 9. Challenges faced by teachers working with students with Asperger Syndrome -- 10. School-based intervention for children with specific learning difficulties -- 11. The ideal classroom -- 12. Longer-term educational and employment outcomes -- 13. What do we know and where should we go?

    This volume provides research-based, practical information on managing the challenges that Asperger syndrome (AS) presents in everyday life and in the classroom. Current knowledge is reviewed on the core learning, behavioral, emotional, social, and communication difficulties associated with this complex disorder. Hurdles facing children with AS and their parents and teachers are clearly identified, and effective assessment and intervention approaches described. Special features include firsthand accounts from an adult with AS and a teacher with extensive experience in the area, as well as numerous illustrative vignettes and classroom examples. While written primarily for professionals, the volume will also be of interest to many parents.

    Syndrome d'Asperger / Autisme

    WS 350.6 P958l 2003


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350.6 P958l 2003 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]