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    Foundations of evidence-based social work practice

    Favoris Imprimer

    Roberts, Albert R. / Yeager, Kenneth

    Oxford University Press


    xvii, 439 p.



    1. Bridging evidence-based health care and social work : how to search for, develop, and use evidence-based studies -- 2. The evidence for and against evidence-based practice -- 3. What is evidence-based practice? -- 4. A practical approach to formulating evidence-based questions in social work -- 5. Implementing best practice and expert consensus procedures -- 6. Overview of evidence-based practices -- 7. Implementation of practice guidelines and evidence-based treatment : a survey of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers -- 8. Concise standards for developing evidence-based practice guidelines -- 9. Will the real evidence-based practice please stand up? Teaching the process of evidence-based practice to the helping professions -- 10. Health care evidence-based practice : a product of political and cultural times -- 11. Toward common performance indicators and measures for accountability in behavioral health care -- 12. Facilitating practitioner use of evidence-based practice -- 13. Developing a systemic evidence-based search plan for a client with co-occuring conditions -- 14. A cognitive-behavioral approach to suicide risk reduction in crisis intervention -- 15. Task centered practice : an exemplar of evidence-based practice -- 16. Evidence-based practice and manualized treatment -- 17. Evidence-based treatment for traumatized and abused children -- 18. Treating juvenile delinquents with conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiance disorder -- 19. Evidence-based treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder : deciding what treatment method works for whom? -- 20. The implications of controlled outcome studies on planned short-term psychotherapy with depressive disorders -- 21.Evidence-based practice with anxiety disorders : guidelines based on outcome studies -- 22. Psychoeducation as evidence-based practice : considerations for practice, research, and policy -- 23. Mental illness, substance dependence, and suicidality : secondary data analysis -- 24. Cognitive behavioral therapy with posttraumatic stress disorder : an evidence-based approach -- 25. Recovery : expanding the vision of evidence-based practice

    This concise introduction to evidence-based social work practice culls the most salient chapters from the interdisciplinary Evidence-Based Practice Manual to form a student-friendly overview of the issues and interventions they will encounter throughout their BSW or MSW program.

    Part I defines terms and critical issues, introducing students to the language and importance of evidence-based practice and critical thinking. Chapters will explain how to search for evidence, how to evaluate what evidence really is, how to ask the right questions, how to develop standards, and how practitioners make use of research. Part II consists of practical applications, with each chapter focusing on a particular intervention or population. Topics include cognitive-behavioral approaches to suicide risks, manualized treatment with children, treating juvenile delinquents, and interventions for OCD, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, PTSD, depression, and recovery. Several chapterss from the special edition of Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention on evidence-based practice as well as two original chapters round out this much-needed introduction to evidence-based social work practice.

    Service social factuel / Services sociaux - Recherche - Méthodologie / Service social psychiatrique

    HV 41 F771 2006


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 HV 41 F771 2006 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]