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    Neurobiology of mental illness

    Favoris Imprimer

    Charney, Dennis S. / Buxbaum, Joseph D. / Sklar, Pamela / Nestler, Eric J.

    4th edition

    Oxford University Press


    xx, 1222 p. : ill.



    Section I : Introduction to basic neuroscience
    1. Overview of brain development -- 2. Neurochemical systems in the central nervous system -- 3. Principles of electrophysiology -- 4. Principles of signal transduction -- 5. Synaptic and neural plasticity -- 6. Principles of molecular biology -- 7. Epigenetics of psychiatric diseases
    Section II : New methods and new technologies for preclinical and clinical neurobiology
    8. Transgenic tools and animal models of mental illness -- 9. Application of stem cells to understanding psychiatric disorders -- 10. Optogenetic technologies for psychiatric disease research : current status and challenges -- 11. Blood-brain barrier opening and drug delivery using focused ultrasound and microbubbles -- 12. Genetic methodologies and applications -- 13. The brain and its epigenome -- 14. Network methods for elucidating the complexity of common human diseases -- 15. Brain imaging methodologies -- 16. Image-guided brain stimulation
    Section III : Psychotic disorders
    17. Diagnosis of the psychoses -- 18. Gentics of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder -- 19. Genomic syndromes in schizophrenia : overlapping phenotypes -- 20. Neuoimaging of psychotic disorders -- 21. Cognitive and motivational neuroscience of psychotic disorders -- 22. Mouse models of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder -- 23. Cortical gaba neurons in schizophrenia -- 24. Synaptic disease in psychiatry -- 25. Neurodevelopment and schizophrenia -- 26. Neurobiology of mental illness psychosis proneness -- 27. Psychotic disorders : neurochemistry and pharmacotherapy -- 28. The neurobiology of bipolar disorder
    Section IV : Mood disorders
    29. The diagnosis of mood disorders -- 30. Genetics of depression -- 31. Animal models of mood disorders -- 32. Molecular and cellular pathogenesis of depression and mechanisms for treatment response -- 33. Pathogenesis of depression : clinical studies -- 34. Neural circuitry of depression -- 35. Neurobiology of depression in later life : anatomy of melancholia -- 36. Gonadal steroids and mood disorders -- 37. Depression and medical illness -- 38. Treatments for depression
    Section V : Anxiety disorders
    39. Diagnosis of anxiety disorders -- 40. Genetics of anxiety disorders -- 41. Neurobiology of fear and anxiety : contributions of animal models to current understanding -- 42. Differential roles of gaba receptors in anxiety -- 43. Prefrontal cortex regulation of emotion and anxiety -- 44. Developmental components of fear and anxiety in animal models -- 45. Functional neurocircuitry and neuoimaging studies of anxiety disorders -- 46. Novel treatment approaches for anxiety disorders -- 47. Pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders -- 48. Neurobiology and treatment of OCD -- 49. Neurobiology and treatment of PTSD
    Section VI : Substance use disorders
    50. Animal models of addiction -- 51. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of addiction -- 52. The genetic basis of addictive disorders -- 53. Brain development and the risk for substance abuse -- 54. Molecular imaging in addictive disorders -- 55. Brain, reward, and drug addiction -- 56. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies in substance abusers -- 57. Pharmacotherapy of substance use disorders -- 58. Epidemiology of substance use disorders
    Section VII : Dementia
    59. Clinical and neuropsychological featues of alzheimer's disease -- 60. The genetics of alzheimer's disease -- 61. Experimental animal models of alzheimer's disease -- 62. Structural, functional, and molecular neuroimaging biomarkers for alzheimer's disease -- 63. Fluid biomarkers for alzheimer's disease -- 64. Current therapies for alzheimer's disease -- 65. Disease-modifying therapies for alzheimer's disease -- 66. Lewy body dementias -- 67. Clinical features and pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia -- 68. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of vascular and mixed dementias -- 69. Clinical features and pathogenesis of prion disease
    Section VIII : Psychiatric disorders of childhood onset
    70. Epidemiology of neuropsychiatric and developmental disorders of childhood -- 71. Rare variant of substantial effect in psychiatric disorders of childhood onset -- 72. Epigenetics in early life programming -- 73. Animal models in psychiatric disorders of childhood onset -- 74. Neuropathology and synaptic alterations in neurodevelopmental disorders -- 75. Functional connectivity : application to developmental disorders -- 76. Intellectual disability syndromes -- 77. Autism spectrum disorders -- 78. Neurobiology of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- 79. Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders -- 80. Novel therapeutics in childhood onset psychiatric disorders
    Section IX : Special topic areas
    81. DSM-5 overviw and goals -- 82. The infirmities of psychiatric diagnosis -- 83. Toward precision medicine in psychiatry : the nimh research domain criteria project -- 84. The neurobiology of personality disorders : the shift to DSM-5 -- 85. The neurobiology of agression -- 86. The neurobiology of social attachment -- 87. The neurobiology of sleep -- 88. The neurobiology of resilience -- 89. The neurobiology of eating disorders

    This resource provides information from numerous levels of analysis including molecular biology and genetics, cellular physiology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, epidemiology, and behavior. In doing so it translates information from the basic laboratory to the clinical laboratory and finally to clinical treatment. The result is an excellent and cutting-edge resource for psychiatric residents, psychiatric researchers and doctoral students in neurochemistry and the neurosciences.

    Maladies mentales - Étiologie / Maladies mentales - Physiopathologie / Maladies mentales - Traitement / Neurobiologie

    WM 140 N4945 2013


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WM 140 N4945 2013 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]