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    Safe teen : powerful alternatives to violence

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    Roberts, Anita 1952-

    Polestar Book Publishers


    312 p. : ill.



    Part I : Heart
    1. Easy house/hard house -- 2. Becoming a hard house to break into -- 3. Getting to know the child, the warrior and the wise person -- 4. Fear and anger
    Part II : Mind
    5. Gender and power -- 6. Boundaries and relationships -- 7. Sexual harassment and sexual assault
    Part III : Spirit
    8. The spirit of girls and women -- 9. The spirit of boys and men
    Part IV : Body
    10. Role-plays, skills and exercises

    It's alarming that adolescents-including girls-are resorting to violence to resolve disputes. Written for young women and men as well as parents and educators, Safe Teen is a timely and powerful book offering a lifelong and positive alternative to violence.
    For the past 10 years, assault-prevention worker Anita Roberts has been leading a popular and effective workshop called "Safe Teen: A Life-Skills and Violence-Prevention Program," which provides adolescents with the body language and verbal skills they need to deal with peer pressure, de-escalate violence, and build self-esteem. Safe Teen offers an in-depth look at the issues and skills taught in the Safe Teen workshops, including how to access inner strength, how to deal with bullying and sexual harassment, and how to say "no" to drugs and alcohol.

    Violence chez l'adolescent / Violence - Prévention / Adolescents - Santé mentale / Adolescence

    HQ 799.2.V56 R643s 2001


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 HQ 799.2.V56 R643s 2001 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]