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    Neurostimulation for epilepsy : advances, applications and opportunities

    Favoris Imprimer

    Rao, Vikram R. (Éditeur intellectuel)

    Academic Press


    xv, 252 pages : ill. en coul.



    1. Principles of neurostimulation Andreas Schulze-Bonhage -- 2. Neurostimulation device technology Eric Y. Chow and Peng Cong -- 3. Vagus nerve stimulationJames W. Wheless, Andrew J. Gienapp, and Basanagoud Mudigoudar -- 4. Responsive neurostimulation David E. Burdette and Barbara E. Swartz -- 5. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of thalamus for epilepsy Robert Fisher -- 6. Epicranial focal cortex stimulation with the EASEE system Andreas Schulze-Bonhage -- 7. Noninvasive brain stimulation for epilepsy Keith Starnes, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, and Brian Lundstrom -- 8. Applications of long-term data from neurostimulation devices Patricia Dugan and Vikram R. Rao -- 9. Next-generation brain sensing, stimulation, and adaptive control devices for epilepsy Gregory A. Worrell and Vaclav Kremen -- 10. Quality of life, neurocognitive outcomes, and mood effects with neurostimulation devices Kristen Arredondo and Anup D. Patel

    Neurostimulation for Epilepsy: Advances, Applications, and Opportunities comprehensively reviews the diverse array of neurostimulation technologies currently in use and in development for the treatment of epilepsy. The book covers basic mechanisms of neurostimulation, technical characteristics of approved and investigational neurostimulation devices, clinical applications and programming considerations of these devices, and progress toward next-generation device technology. Leading experts in the field provide a contemporary appraisal of neurostimulation in epilepsy, one that highlights recent advances, outlines unanswered questions, and proposes future directions.
    Neurostimulation for Epilepsy: Advances, Applications, and Opportunities will be of high interest to clinical, basic, and translational researchers seeking to understand leading-edge applications of neurostimulation in epilepsy and to clinicians managing patients with epilepsy who are treated with implanted and external neurostimulation devices. This book will also be of interest to trainees, to physicians in other areas of neurology where neurostimulation is employed, such as Pain and Movement Disorders, and to general medical practitioners, neurobiologists, and engineers.

    Épilepsie - Traitement / Neurostimulation transcutanée

    WL 385 N494 2023


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WL 385 N494 2023 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]