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    Early clinical intervention and prevention in schizophrenia

    Favoris Imprimer

    Stone, William S. / Faraone, Stephen V. / Tsuang, Ming T. 1931-

    Humana Press


    xiv, 374 p. : ill. + 1 CD-ROM



    Part I : The ethiology and genetics of schizophrenia
    1. The genetic basis of schizophrenia -- 2. Early environmental determinants of schizophrenia -- 3. Obstetric risk factors for schizophrenia and their relationship to genetic predisposition : following Ariadne's double-stranded thread through early development
    Part II : The vulnerability to schizophrenia
    4. The nature of the prodrome in schizophrenia -- 5. The nature of schizotaxia -- 6. A neuropsychological perspective on vulnerability to schizophrenia : lessons from high-risk studies -- 7. Neurocognitive deficits in the biological relatives of individuals with schizophrenia -- 8. The nature and origin of socioemotional deficits in schizophrenia -- 9. Neuroimaging studies of nonpsychotic first-degree relatives of people with schizophrenia : toward a neurobiology of vulnerability to schizophrenia -- 10. Neurophysiological endophenotypes in early detection of schizophrenia -- 11. Is the development of schizophrenia predictable?
    Part III : Early intervention and prevention of schizophrenia
    12. Prevention of schizophrenia and psychotic behavior : definitions and methodological issues -- 13. The treatment of schizotaxia -- 14. Treatment of the schizophrenia prodrome -- 15. The role of genetic counseling
    Part IV : Challenges for the near future
    16. The biology of schizotaxia -- 17. Molecular medicine and the prospects for prevention and early intervention in schizophrenia

    Although much work remains to be done toward understanding the causes of schizophrenia and attenuating its symptoms, a clear consensus has emerged that better outcomes are associated with early treatment. In Early clinical intervention and prevention in schizophrenia, leading and internationally recognized researchers review what is know about the liability to schizophrenia, how it progressesm what it looks like clinically, with an emphasis on a specific (proposed) syndrome of liability (schizotaxia), and how best it might be treated now and in the near future. The authors summarize the latest findings on the genetic, early environmental, and neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia, and detail the nature of the vulnerability to schizophrenia from several perspectives, including the prodrome and their proposed pre-prodromal syndrome of schizotaxia. Specific factors, such as cognitive deficits in high-risk populations, neuroanatomical abnormalities, and psychophysiological deficits are also considered. From this material, the contributors develop protocols fot eh treatment of schizotaxia and prodromal symptoms, and discuss issues related to genetic counseling. Thay also explore the neurochemical and molecular possibilities for advancing the goals of prevention and early intervention in schizotaxia. Timely and cutting-edge, Early clinical intervention and prevention in schizophrenia offers psychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists an authoritative account of how the liability to develop schizophrenia is expressed in meaningful, measurable ways that can provide a basis for early intervention and preventive efforts.


    WM 203 S881e 2004


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WM 203 S881e 2004 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]