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    Child and adolescent mental health

    Favoris Imprimer

    Kaye, David L. / Montgomery, Maureen E. 1948- / Munson, Stephen W.

    Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins


    xv, 496 p. : ill.

    Core handbooks in pediatrics



    I : Understanding child and adolescent mental health problems
    1. Orientation and organization of this book -- 2. The doctor-patient relationship in pediatrics -- 3. Parent guidance and consultation -- 4. The family -- 5. Management and assessment of child mental health problems in the pedaitric office -- 6. The mental health system -- 7. The school system -- 8. The social services system -- 9. The legal system
    II : Common clinical problems in child and adolescent mental health
    10. Aggression behavior -- 11. Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents -- 12. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- 13. Eating disorders -- 14. Feeding and sleeping problems of infancy and early childhood -- 15. Learning disorders -- 16. Mood disorders -- 17. Pervasive developmental disorders -- 18. School refusal -- 19. Sexuality -- 20. Somatoform disorders and functional syndromes -- 21. Stress and trauma : its impact and treatment in children and adolescents -- 22. Substance abuse -- 23. Suicidal beahviors in children and adolescents

    Ideal for the general practitioner, this practical guide to pediatric mental health explains the various systems involved in children's mental health (i.e. schools, social services, the legal and mental health systems) and addresses common mental health problems seen frequently in practice. Included are chapters on learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, aggression, substance abuse, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and a host of other difficulties. Each chapter is written by a general pediatrician and a child psychiatrist. Blending these perspectives, the authors present a pragmatic and current approach to issues of office evaluation, assessment, and treatment, including pediatric psychopharmacology.

    Enfants - Santé mentale / Adolescents - Santé mentale / Enfants - Psychiatrie / Adolescents - Psychiatrie

    WS 105.5.M3 C536 2002


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 105.5.M3 C536 2002 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]