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    Cognitive-behavior therapy for children and adolescents

    Favoris Imprimer

    Szigethy, Eva 1962- / Weisz, John R / Findling, Robert L

    American Psychiatric Association


    xxiii, 556 p. : ill. + 1 DVD



    1. Cognitive-behavior therapy : an introduction -- 2. Developmental considerations across childhood -- 3. Culturally diverse children and adolescents -- 4. Combined CBT ans psychopharmacology -- 5. Depression and suicidal behavior -- 6. Bipolar disorder -- 7. Childhood anxiety disorders : the coping cat program -- 8. Pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder -- 9. Obessive-compulsive disorder -- 10. Chronic physical illness : inflammatory bowel disease as a prototype -- 11. Obesity and depression : a focus on polycystic ovary syndrome -- 12. Disruptive behavior disorders -- 13. Enuresis and encopresis

    Pioneering and seasoned clinicians alike have poured their accumulated wealth of practical knowledge, innovation, and insight into Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents. The defining fundamentals of CBT are shared in accessible, down-to-earth style and the important distinctions of a well-integrated, developmentally appropriate approach are detailed for a number of conditions, including pediatric chronic medical illness. Guidance for integrating parents and families into the child s treatment is shared for every disorder covered in this unique, easy-to-use book. Expert authors offer a well-organized explication of their innovative, effective methods and tools. In addition, videos on the accompanying DVD provide an excellent companion demonstration of some of these techniques with different ages and disorders. Readers will gain a robust clinical understanding of CBT practice with children and adolescents. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents will be an invaluable and worthy reference for all mental health practitioners who work with this distinct population. No other text on the subject will match it.

    Thérapie cognitive / Thérapie de comportement / Adolescents - Psychologie / Enfants - Psychologie

    WS 350.6 S998c 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350.6 S998c 2012 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]