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    Casebook of interpersonal psychotherapy

    Favoris Imprimer

    Markowitz, John C. 1954- / Weissman, Myrna M.

    Oxford University Press


    xvi, 481 p. : ill.



    1. Introduction -- 2. Complicated grief -- 3. Interpersonal psychotherapy for major depression : role dispute -- 4. Major depressive disorder : role transition -- 5. Major depressive disorder : interpersonal deficits -- 6. Interpersonal psychotherapy for chronic depression -- 7. Interpersonal social rythm therapy (IPSRT) for bipolar disorder : review and case conceptualization -- 8. Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders -- 9. Interpersonal psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -- 10. Interpersonal psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder -- 11. Interpersonal psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder -- 12. Treatment of adolescent depression with interpersonal psychotherapy -- 13. Interpersonal psychotherapy for peripartum depression -- 14. Using interpersonal psychotherapy with older individuals -- 15. Interpersonal psychotherapy for medically ill depressed patients -- 16. Interpersonal therapy and cultural issues : the case of hispanic patients -- 17. Interpersonal psychotherapy for women with depression living on low incomes -- 18. Interpersonal psychotherapy in developing countries -- 19. Maintenance interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT-M) -- 20. Interpersonal psychotherapy for group (IPT-G) -- 21. Interpersonal psychotherapy for inpatients with depression -- 22. Interpersonal psychotherapy by telephone -- 23. Afterword

    Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), an empirically validated treatment for depression and other disorders, is becoming more frequently used to treat a range of psychiatric diagnoses. Based on evidence that interpersonal problems contribute to the onset of psychiatric disorders, IPT helps patients to change interpersonal behavior in order to improve psychosocial functioning and relieve symptoms. IPT both relieves psychiatric symptoms and helps to build social skills.

    Bringing together experts who have treated patients with and conducted clinical research on IPT, the Casebook of Interpersonal Psychotherapy responds to the growing need for a foundational text to supplement the available manuals on IPT. The Casebook provides a wealth of real life treatment material, and illustrates the use of IPT in the hands of expert psychotherapists treating patients with a range of conditions and complications in different IPT treatment formats. The detailed cases give a sense of how IPT proceeds and how it works. Chapter authors describe specific adaptations of IPT for patients with particular disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders. The book also covers different contexts in which IPT may be practiced, including group therapy, inpatient settings, and telephone therapy. The Casebook of Interpersonal Psychotherapy is an invaluable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and other mental health professionals interested in psychotherapy.

    Thérapie interpersonnelle / Dépression - Traitement - Études de cas / Psychothérapie - Méthodologie - Méthode des cas

    WM 40 M346c 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WM 40 M346c 2012 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]